It's official.
30 days from right now, INVISIBLE will be on the shelves.

Between then and now, there's *SO* much going on and I wanted to let you in on all of it!

My first personal appearance will be at The Jones Library in Amherst Massachusetts on Saturday, September 6th for the Fire, Air & Memory YA Panel hosted by my favorite local indie, Odyssey Bookshop and I'm thrilled/humbled/boggle-eyed to be on a YA fantasy panel with Sarah J. Maas & Alexandra Bracken! We'll be discussing world-building, research, writing insights and a few questions about our own YA fantasy series. For more information, you can check out the event's Facebook page.
It would be *amazing* if you could be there! Consider this an official invite.
The very next day, I'm the keynote speaker for the CISV Annual to talk about the important of diversity in kid's literature, later meeting up with MORE fabulous authors at the Chapter By Chapter Book Rave at FunFuzion New Roc City, and then I begin the library tour...well, hey, there's a lot coming up! If you want to know the where and whens, just check out my News page on the website:
Online it's the INVISIBLE Book Blog Tour will be happening September 15th-26th. Follow the tour for knowledge, wonder, insider exclusives and--oh yeah--a chance to win the Grand Prize Pack!:
Monday, September 15th Fiktshun
Wednesday, September 17th Istyria Book Blog
Friday, September 19th Refracted Light Reviews
Monday, September 22nd Books and Things
Wednesday, September 24th A Book and a Latte
Friday, September 26th Addicted Readers
Look for these banners at participating blogs (or snap them up if you like!):

And tomorrow, I will be releasing the official book trailer for INVISIBLE! (Look for an associated giveaway contest to celebrate!) So, yeah, there's a lot going on and this is the place to find out more.
Summer's over, the countdown's begun & we can start freaking out now!