For all those who are celebrating, HAPPY CHANNUKAH!

Thanks to for the pretty (and awesomely color-coordinated with my blog) holiday pic!
We in Chez Metcalf kicked the Festival of Lights off right this year starting with batches of homemade latkes, my mother's famous sufganyot (traditional doughnuts, but instead of jelly filling [blech!] these are bursting with vanilla-amaretto cream!) & a couple of gifts for the children after lighting various things on fire. (Fortunately, not one of them was my hair...)
And this morning, I successfully taught a kindergarten class how to gamble. Nothing says the holiday spirit like hearing little six-year olds scream: "Gimel! I win the pot!" I even got to make a Jewish Guilt joke. What could be better?
Chag sameach, everyone!