I know what I like to get for the holidays: BOOKS! And I know when I get a good book from someone that I can't wait to read, I feel like that person really gets that part of me. Books are personal, beautiful, transportive, funny, heartfelt, honest and touching. Give someone you love a book this year and you've earned a place in their heart.
To celebrate, I'm doing a giveaway--it's easy:
Pre-order INVISIBLE from Barnes & Noble, Amazon or your favorite indiebound bookstore and send proof of purchase to me at Dawn (dot) Metcalf (at) gmail.com for a chance to win a signed & doodled copy of INDELIBLE in time for Christmas!
Plus you can RT or FB this contest for an extra chance to win! Contest is open until Friday, December 20th, open to US residents only.
Of course, you can also get your own for the friends and family that you like best! INDELIBLE is available at Barnes & Noble, Amazon, WalMart & an independent bookstore nearest you!
...and just *wait* til you see the cover reveal for INVISIBLE!
Happiest of holidays & Good Luck!