Okay, so here's a first: INDELIBLE's sequel is already available for pre-order! Happy one-month anniversary, Book One of the Twixt series! WOW!
So may I be the first to formally introduce you to the title for Book Two: INVISIBLE! (And, no, I don't believe that we'll be doing a clear plastic cover, no matter how cool that might be...) There is no cover art to share just yet, but you can imagine that if INDELIBLE featured one of the Folk's signatura, you might pick up on the theme.
And, in other BIG news, Serena Chase gave INDELIBLE a *glowing* recommendation in USA Today! (I had to read it twice to believe it and then broke out in Happy Dancing!)

Okay, this isn't my real happy dance, but Glee is so much cooler than me!
Here's an excerpt:
"Wow. I mean, WOW. This book blew. Me. Away. I fell in love with Indelible Ink and his twin sister, Invisible Inq...But Ink and Inq aren't the only freshly drawn characters. The entire society of the Twixt is colorfully diverse and surprisingly visual. Even though the author uses an enviable brevity of words in describing each individual, readers will have no difficulty "seeing" these characters. Fans of fae fantasy, YA paranormal and modern fantasy will adore this novel and find themselves willingly trapped within the Twixt. Read. This. Book!"
So here I am, blissfully content with myself and the universe. So: THANK YOU VERY MUCH, UNIVERSE!!!

congratulations on the great review! I’ve got a copy of INDELIBLE that I’m itching to find time to read. glad to hear the sequel will be just around the corner.
Well…around the corner, up a ladder and around the bend, but YES! INVISIBLE is in the works and due out April, 2014!