Reason #4,389,012 Why I Adore Jackson Pearce

You wouldn't think being snowed in a moose lodge with creepy taxidermy, scarce food, and intermittent Internet getting no writing done would be fun...but it is! Oh, yes, it is! (Mostly due to 22 other fun and funny YA authors, including the fabulous Jackson Pearce* and her Vlog O' Doom.)

The last day was an extra 25% Bonus Day of Snow which canceled flights, inspired some interesting cooking possibilities and veiled threats of cannibalism. This, of course, spawned the confessionals:

* My husband said it was a good thing that I said she was adorable, funny & talented because he suspected he'd get in trouble saying it first.

...and by the way, this song is *still* stuck in my head. Thanks, Jackson. (And thanks to everybody from Moose of Wonder!)


One Response to “Reason #4,389,012 Why I Adore Jackson Pearce”

  1. Oh my goodness! Those videos were WONDERFUL. I just laughed myself silly!

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