Welcome to my stop on the YA Scavenger Hunt! I am your hostess, Dawn Metcalf, and if you've never been to this corner of the biblioverse, pull up a chair, grab a mug of hot chocolate and cozy up to the fire. We like things to be warm and quiet, full of golden glow and shadow; that's where our imaginations run wild and the things that live in the night sit and chat for a spell. Don't mind the eyes, you'll get used to them--they're not half as scary as you think they are (they're *twice* as scary)! I am the author of the dark, YA fantasies LUMINOUS and the TWIXT series, which you'll hear about more when you visit Nicole Conway, another member of the fabulous...
During the Hunt, you will be able to access exclusive content from each of the 120 participating YA authors, each of whom has a secret number. (Hint: Team Orange's will be highlighted in ORANGE!) Add up the numbers and visit the YA Scavenger Hunt Homepage to enter it for a chance to win! One lucky winner will receive at least one signed book from each author on my team! But you *must* follow to win and this contest (and all the exclusive bonus material) will only be online from Thursday, Oct 2nd at 12 pm PST through Sunday, Oct 5th at noon PST!
If you need any help on the hunt, click here or, if you get stuck or confused, go back to the YA Scavenger Hunt Homepage. Okay? Okay. Good!
Now on with the show...

I am hosting Laurie Faria Stolarz who authored the fabulously creepy WELCOME TO THE DARK HOUSE that has at least 7 amazing scenes you'd have to see to believe! But she's not hear to tell you about *those*, she's more interested in your survival. If you dare to poke into the dark corners of the Dark House, you better listen close to her advice!
Top 10 Items to Survive the Dark House amusement park
If only the Dark House Dreamers had come prepared…
1. Water bottle with built-in purifier
Spending the night in the Dark House amusement park is going to require physical endurance (and therefore proper hydration). From dodging the Nightmare Elf in the underground tunnels to swimming across a sea of flesh-eating eels…make sure you have a full bottle of water with a built-in purifier (in case you find yourself needing to refill).
2. Granola bars (or the like)
Since we’re on the topic of physical endurance, along with proper hydration comes adequate sustenance. You’re going to have to live out your worst ever nightmare, and will therefore need to keep your energy level high. Be sure to bring snacks that are non-perishable, easy to pack, and able to be eaten on the move
3. Rope
A good, strong rope is really key. From creating a ladder of sorts to climb up the gate that surrounds the park, to using it as a makeshift pole to slide down, out the window of Hotel 9, the possibilities are really endless.
4. Crowbar
Imagine busting through the park gate, using the crowbar as a weapon or makeshift hammer, or prying open the doors of an underground crypt. A crowbar is a no brainer.
5. Binoculars
The ability to spot the Nightmare Elf across the length of the park would absolutely give you an edge.
6. Night vision glasses
While the amusement park itself is pretty well lit, what’s going to help you in those underground tunnels?
7. Duct tape
We’ve seen duct tape used to make wallets, backpacks, wedding dresses, camping tents, and more. If only some of the Dark House Dreamers had brought along a roll of this wonder stuff on the night of their worst nightmares-come-true.
8. A lighter
While matches aren’t the most reliable (they can get wet, after all, while you’re trying to swim through a pool full of hungry eels), a lighter is a bit more steadfast. The lighter can be used to make a fire that can provide warmth on those cold amusement park nights. It can also be used to make a fire to signal for help.
9. A knife
This one is pretty self-explanatory. A knife can be used as a weapon, a stake, a makeshift hammer, a screwdriver, or a shovel. It can also be used to cut fabric, food, wood, saplings, bandages, rubber, nylon, etc., etc. It can further be used to make the tinder (from bark) to ignite a fire.
10. Shovel
From digging oneself out of an underground grave, to using a shovel as a weapon to slay the Nightmare Elf, a shovel should be a staple.

About the book:
For Ivy Jensen, it’s the eyes of a killer that haunt her nights. For Parker Bradley, it’s bloodthirsty sea serpents that slither in his dreams.
About the Author:
Laurie Faria Stolarz is the author of several popular young adult novels including the Touch series (the latest release of which is Deadly Little Lessons), Project 17, and Bleed, (all published by Disney/Hyperion Books for Children), as well as the bestselling Blue is for Nightmares series (Flux Publications). With more than a million books sold worldwide, Stolarz’s titles have been named on numerous award lists, including the Quick Pick for Reluctant Readers list and the Top Ten Teen Pick list, both through the American Library Association. She is currently working on her new Dark House series, also with Disney/Hyperion Books for Children. The first book in that series, Welcome to the Dark House, was release in July. For more information, please visit her Web site at www.lauriestolarz.com.
Interested? Intrigued? Consider buying a copy here or here.
Are you excited? I'm excited! Bonus material BONUS! Did you find the number? Remember to keep it close (and your enemies closer) as you go onto your next leg of the Hunt! It was great meeting you and I hope you stop by again to visit me and my friends on this side of the Twixt! Next stop on TEAM ORANGE's YA Scavenger Hunt is Helene Dunbar.
Oh, and before you leave, take a s'more & consider entering my own giveaway to set you on your path: I'm giving away one signed copy of INDELIBLE, Book One of the Twixt where we get to first meet Joy and Ink and Inq and Graus Claude, comptroller of the space between worlds. You can read more about it here.
Be well, know thyself and may our paths cross again!
I shared this post of yours on my Facebook account and I shared the video on FB, as well. https://www.facebook.com/alyannafontalva/posts/1528939943988013 // https://www.facebook.com/alyannafontalva/posts/1528940323987975
Shared the video on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TopsyTurvy_Ash/status/518090888338108416
Shared the contest on Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/221520875397208955/
Thanks for the giveaway!
Shared the video https://www.facebook.com/kristia.miltiadou.54/posts/1518411125063836
and the blog post https://www.facebook.com/kristia.miltiadou.54/posts/1518410851730530
Thank you for the bonus giveaway! :)
Thank you for the giveaway! Your books look and sound great!
Pinned the trailer over at http://www.pinterest.com/pin/295900637991275997/ :D
Posted on Tumblr: http://randombetrayals.tumblr.com/post/99137404209/official-trailer-for-invisible-book-two-of-the
Thanks so much for hosting me!!!
I combined the two links (video and blog site) into one post
And I learned something: by clicking on the time brings the individual post up, and THAT’s probably what authors have been asking for all along (which would explain why I probably haven’t won more bonus giveaways). Also, BibliophilePrincess is my username for Facebook but you can search/find me/see me post and comment as my real name Katherina Barney.
See, you are never too old to learn new things!
on Google+: https://plus.google.com/117151124670122332502/posts/APcPVjML7d3