This is me today.
Happy, smiling, proud of my accomplishments, I am here, today, being myself: a wife, a writer, a friend, a mom (and all the various hats that go with these things). I don't know about normal people, but sometimes in the messy chaos that can be the day-to-day happenings filled with To Do's and Want To's and Can't Get To's tinged with unexpected disappointments and unmet expectations, random craziness and scheduled sanity, I get bogged down by the enormity of the little things and forget that it's the Big Things that really matter. These are the times I need to remind myself to take a moment and realize just how far I've come in achieving some of my Big Dreams that I always wanted to do "someday" and sometimes it's good to get it into my head that "someday" is "today."
So this is me today.
Here's to YOU today, "someday" and always!