B-fest, Baby!


What was it like being part of the first Barnes & Noble Teen Book Festival, a.k.a. "B-Fest" this past weekend? In a word: AWESOME!

This was the first time I felt part of a national movement, bringing teens and YA authors together across the country, getting together at the same time in bookstores to share a love (and obsession) of our favorite reads... It was like Twitter IRL. ;-)


Me behind a stack of INSIDIOUSes

Fortunately, even in the down-times, I got to talk with my local booksellers about books, tattoos, kids, teaching, art, animals and cartoons. Basically, it was a Dream Day that I got to spend with old friends and new--both alive and on the page--and left the place a little poorer (we sold A LOT of books!) and a little richer (there are still signed Twixt books available at the Enfield, CT location) for my having been there.


Me and my Twixt family, expecting their sibling on July 26th.


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