Fun Film Friday: In A Heartbeat

This multiple-award-winning short film began as a Kickstarter project proposed by the two creators, Beth David and Esteban Bravo, who were both students at the Ringling College of Art and Design. After its launch in July, 2017, In A Heartbeat became a viral sensation throughout the animation, film and LGBTQ+ community, earning national acclaim, and rightly so! The art is beautifully done, the storyline crisp and heartfelt, and its message both touching and kind for anyone who's ever had a crush.

My kids are both still talking about it to this day so if you haven't seen it, do. Then check out Beth & Esteban's official merchandise page, check out some well-deserved praise and watch/share this winning film with all the people you know & love--it will totally make your day (but have tissues ready)!



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