Happy Chinese New Year!

It's the Year of the Dragon!

Dragon pic gakked from www.draconika.com

Better Than Boyfriend and I usually enjoy the start of the lunar new year by visiting a nearby Chinatown or hosting a banquet for our staff at one of our favorite restaurants to bring in some joy and prosperity for a breath of fresh (chilly!) air. While the Jewish New Year tastes of apples and honey, the Chinese New Year smacks of crumbly almond cookies and soft moon cakes filled with red bean paste! (It somehow always comes down to food. And fire. The kids both love and shy from the towers of red firecrackers snapping in the windows and exploding in the streets.)

Take a moment today and re-energize! Need help? Enjoy some beautiful Dragon Dance photos or take a little time out of your day to watch this:

Health and happiness to you & yours!


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