First of all, congratulations to damihjva for winning the Eat Your Heart Out prize pack! I would have announced this earlier if it hadn't been for the flu/sinus infection/random tagalong cold that decided to take up residence in my brain. So a great hooplah of hoorays as it's better late than never!
Secondly, if you haven't seen me here in a while, it was because I was promoting my friend and critique partner, Maurissa Guibord's new book, REVEL, and interviewing fellow Inkie, Anna Staniszewski's second book in her fantasy series, MY EPIC FAIRY TALE FAIL as well as doing homey, domestic mommy things mostly involving Angry Birds cut-outs and birthday cakes. Such is the glamorous life I lead.
But hark: I have news! The Harlequin Teen Dream Team has just released the back cover art* of INDELIBLE along with flapcopy on a gorgeous burnt-umber background, which looks a lot like this:

Don't stare at it just because it's beautiful, remember: it's what's inside that counts!
I keep looking at it going "oooOOOooo!" in my head.
I'm very proud of this story because it's not your love-at-first-sight or destined-to-be soul mate thing, it's not the immortal older guy swooping in with confidence and swagger to show the mortal girl the way to love thing, and it doesn't have the "usual suspects" fantasy cast of fairy tale characters as I borrowed some of my favorite myths from around the globe to populate the last vestiges of magic clinging onto our world with tooth and claw. And I love them! I love Ink's blatant honesty, Inq's carefree madness, Graus Claude's proprietary and proper etiquette, and Kurt's no-nonsense efficiency. Then there's Monica's friendship, Stef's brotherly love, Mr. Malone's parental strengths and gaps, and Joy's, well, everything. She is making the very best of every bad situation (of which she's had more than her fair share), and we meet Joy on the cusp of her becoming Who She Is and figuring out what that means no matter what the company, no matter what the circumstances, and that's someone I can root for with all of my heart & I can't wait to share her with you!
And she would totally approve if you stared.
* If you want to remember what the front looks like, please see userpic!