Did you think the time for contests was over? Oh no, my dears, it's Valentine's Day! Hallmark and the associated consumer press have declared today to be the celebration of ~LOVE~ and who am I to refuse? Hottie YA romances are all the rage this year and with INDELIBLE only months away, I wanted to spread the word and share the love by asking you to share it with me!
Hence the inspiration for this ♥♥♥ EAT YOUR HEART OUT! ♥♥♥ contest!

So very tempting I could just TAKE A BITE!
One Grand Prize winner will receive:
- a hardcover copy of ALICE IN ZOMBIELAND, Book One of the White Rabbit Chronicles from Harlequin Teen for everyone who's ravenous for a good zombie-fighting love story;
- a hardcover copy of HAPPY BUNNY: LOVE BITES! for anyone who feels snarky this season;
- a heart-shaped box of chocolates because, well, that's what love is for;
- and 2 coveted recipes from my own kitchen: Sweetheart Salad (for when you're nice) & Double-Chocolate Brownies (for when you're naughty) [mouth-watering, gooey GFCF adaption available!]
But first, I'm going to tease you a little with a sneak-peek excerpt from INDELIBLE's "It Couple" Joy & Ink:

The roles of Joy and Ink will be imagined as a sunny Ellen Page and a young Johnny Depp with haunting, all-black eyes.
* * *
“ANYTHING FOR ME?” Joy glanced over her monitor at Ink, then spun around to check that everyone else in study hall was busy clicking mice and keys.
“What are you doing?” Joy hiss-whispered, forgetting the silent treatment. “Go away!”
“No one can see me. Or hear me,” Ink said. “You have a message?”
Glaring, Joy yanked out her notebook and tore off the page. The rip of paper rent the quiet, but no one looked up. She held it out, but Ink shook his head.
“Not here.”
Joy grated through clenched teeth, “I’m in class...”
“It will only take a second,” he said and disappeared.
Joy sighed and stuffed the note into her pocket, then reluctantly asked the senior proctor if she could use the bathroom. Grabbing the bright pink hall pass, she slipped quietly out the door. Ink was waiting for her by the fire extinguisher.
She dug out the paper and handed it over.
Ink took it and read it quickly, then handed it back.
“Easily done,” he said. “Ready to go?”
“What? No!” Joy whispered angrily. “Can’t you see I’m busy?”
Ink glanced around in mock surprise. “No.”
“Well, I am,” Joy insisted. “This is school. I can’t go anywhere right now.”
Ink opened his wallet and drew out a thin knife. “That is where you are mistaken,” he said. Joy stepped back. Was he going to gut her right there in Hall C? Somehow she didn’t think so, and the more she watched him, the more she thought that he didn’t look menacing—he looked like he was being clever. Ink twirled his blade with a hint of mischief. Joy hesitated, wondering what he was up to.
Ink slashed, acting as if he didn’t care whether she was impressed, but obviously pleased that she was as he peeled back a layer of nothing. A thin membrane of space hung loosely in midair.
He’d cut away a flap of the world.
Joy stared at it and him and the school and what once was.
Ink offered his hand, smooth as glass.
“Come with me,” he said.
“I—I can’t,” Joy said, but found that she’d somehow already stepped forward. It was all too impossible as he slit the door wider and they walked together into nothing at all.
The breach disappeared with a sharp scent, like limes.
* * *
Tempted? Intrigued? Hungry for more? Well ♥♥♥ EAT YOUR HEART OUT, BABY! ♥♥♥ Here's how to play and WIN!
1) Tweet about it! Or copy and paste this tweet here:
This Valentine's Day EAT YOUR HEART OUT! Pre-order Indelible by @dawnmetcalf !! http://amzn.to/VVEIzi
2) "Like" Indelible on its Facebook page
3) Put Indelible on your "To Read" shelf on Goodreads, Shelfari or LibraryThing.
4) Link to this contest on your Twitter, FB, or blog: http://bit.ly/VWttGX
5) Leave your entry, including where you spread the word & your email*, in the comments below.
* If you're ever uncomfortable leaving your email, you can always email me directly at Dawn (dot) Metcalf (at) gmail, Subject: Eat Your Heart Out!
Of course, if you pre-order your own copy of Indelible, I'll love you forever, but telling me about it will *also* qualify you for an extra-special, super-secret goodie ONLY available to those who pre-order. (Please include proof of pre-order and your email addy in the comments to enter!) Whatever you do to help spread the word, I'm be grateful and will give +1 entry for each WoM "ping" from the above options that you include in your comment below. Be sure to include your email so I can contact you on Wednesday, February 20th to let you know if YOU'RE the winner!
It's easy to enter & spread the love for INDELIBLE available for pre-order NOW!
Good luck! Spread the love! And have a Happy Valentine's Day!!!